How I Work
Currently I work by myself in a shop equipped with classic machinery and a CNC router, using computer programs for design, 3D modelling and programming the router. Hand and machine processes are balanced to combine efficiency and flexibility.
I have access to great materials from local forests with two sizeable hardwood outlets nearby as well as relying on my son Miles to log and mill timber from our own land. Direct access to material from local forests allows for the use of lumber from clients’ land as well as “domestic exotics” such as burls, crotch cuts, quarter sawn lumber and stock from species not often used commercially. I operate a small solar kiln and run our house and shop on site-generated solar electricity.
Black and white mother of pearl and abalone rosette in a Spanish cedar door
I like to use solid wood for its durability, varying character and suitability for shaping and surface texturing. Veneer has its place as well as it allows many effects not possible with solid wood. Some designs are made using thicker shop-sawn veneer which, while more laborious, combines enhanced toughness and ability to tool the surface with the stability of thin commercial sliced veneer. Other materials used include natural shell (mother of pearl, abalone) for inlays, leather for seating and desktops, metal for structural parts and other man-made materials like plywood and plastics for both structural and decorative applications.
I often use shellac and hand-rubbed oil finishes for low luster, easily repairable finishes, or spray waterborneclear coatings for a harder and more durable result. For larger projects or clients who want the most durable solvent-based catalyzed finishes I use a highly capable professional finishing specialist in the area.
In the main machine room
Spalted sugar maple from a blowdown
Miles cutting into a black cherry log